Sunday, January 21, 2007

So, how's that weightloss challenge coming along? I am pleased to announce that I kept my goals again this week and I ran a 6:30 minute mile last Wednesday night. WOHOO! Thirty seconds left to trim and then it will be time to set a new goal. Everyone participating, please post your progress. If anyone has any questions about sending money via paypal let me know and we can get you squared away. Also, if anyone is having a hard time with their goals and would like to adjust them please submit a proposed adjustment to the blog. The overall purpose of this is for all of us to get a little healthier so please don't get frustrated and quit. Just make some adjustments to your goals and we can all be healthy and happy together :)


Melissa Huff said...

I OWNED week three for the Wheeler Weight Loss Challenge, since I now come in at 10 pounds less than I did when we started the first time. HA! Also, I'd like to extend a friendly Wheeler Weight Loss Challenge Welcome to Paul.

Anna said...

I wish I could say that I owned week three, but the only exercise I got in was cleaning Allied Resource. Bad Anna.

Mom said...

I didn't own the Wheeler Weight Loss Challenge--I owe the Wheeler Weight Loss Challenge--for 3 weeks running! Congratulations to Melissas on her 10# loss. Too much going on & too many changes, I guess. Instead of giving up the rest of this week, I'm going to exercise 2 times for 20 minutes and write down everything I eat. Sunday I will set goals for next week.