Saturday, May 19, 2007

Well, people, I have to admit that I have fallen off the Wheeler Weight Loss Challenge wagon. Sure, I've been exercising, but I haven't lost any weight in at least a month because I've also been pigging out. So I am here today to recommit myself anew. Paul's high school reunion is August 11th, and we might be going. In order to be as stunningly beautiful and thereby show up his high school girlfriends as much as possible, I hereby set the goal of being able to comfortably wear the amazingly cute jeans that I got for FREE at Eddie Bauer this week (they were on sale for $25!!!! and I had a gift certificate) without having my still-pregnant-looking belly hanging out. There. So let it be written, so let it be done. If it's on the Internet, it must be true. Stay tuned for the rules that I'll set for myself.

Okay, in other news, Anna and I are going to be twins at Seven Peaks this summer (I will be the ugly twin). If you would like to be a twin with us, order this top in black (unless you are a boy).

Also: Paul and I have signed up for the Freedom Run 5K on July 4th (I figured it was the best way to make sure I'd exercise consistently). Ben's running the 10K (the show-off), and Mom told me she and Dad were thinking about participating in the 1 miler. SOOOO... Everybody else is doing it--why aren't you? Huh?

In conclusion, I wish Mom a very happy birthday tomorrow! Do you realize she's going to be sixty next year? Our little mama--sixty. I can't believe it.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Maybe I've figured out how to get to the Family Blog through Google???? Anyway, I'm still here and just thought I'd let you know I can now read what you post.

Homefront News Flash: Dad successfully installed a new (secure) router for us and we can get the internet from any location in the house--at least the upstairs. (Even my laptop!) We haven't tried it out downstairs, yet, but I won't be surprised if it works down there, too. This is fun!

Heidi called last night about 10 and said a building in their apartment complex--not close to them--was on fire. Too much excitement!!!!

I'm having a day home w/asthma today.

Hope all is well with all of you.