Tuesday, December 05, 2006

We Are(n't) Wheelers
Oh the joys of speaking to the elderly on the phone to get health histories!!!
"Ma'am, are you having pain right now?"
"Pain! Pain?! All you people ever ask me about is pain, I haven't had pain a day in my life!"
much later in the interview...
"Do you have any bleeding tendencies or are you anemic right now?"
"Bleeding?! No I don't have emphysema, I never smoked a day in my life!"
"Do you have any heart problems?"
"No I don't!!! I'm in perfect condition!"
"But ma'am, I see that you have had a triple bi-pass in 2004 and just got a pacemaker..."
"I know! I don't have any heart problems now, I'm fixed!"
Heidi now banging her head on the desk at work...
"Thank you for your time ma'am"
"You kids need to check your facts before you ask me so many dumb questions..."
Heidi prints out the health history, puts it in the chart and puts it away for the next day's surgeries, and she says to herself, "I'll just let anesthesia start that I.V.!!!"